Thursday, March 8, 2007

Has YOUR invitation arrived as yet???

Mortals forget. But they don’t. As we traverse through the multitudes of births and deaths embracing every form and shape, we carry forward our unbundled baggages. An act of kindness left unreciprocated manifests itself at some other time and space and in some other dimension traversing itself through the realms of this boundless infinity. A thought left blank does not ever get lost. It searches for it’s rightful place to be etched in some definite form. Every single event that happens and every single person that we meet aren’t from this life time alone. They all wander infinitely – through us, around us – until “the moment” arrives. We all meet at a pre-destined time zone, thanks to the universal conspiration of coincidence. “Nothing is a coincidence”. We all come into each other’s lives, the invitations for which have been delivered by Time many life times ago!!!

Knock! Knock!! Knock!!! …….Another invitation, ofcourse!!!!!


Amandeep Singh said...

It Has...

Nice Blog Man :)

beautiful. said...

yes..i agree..everything comes different different forms..nothing is lost really..
the knowing waits..and recognises when an invitation comes..and can relate it to some unfulfilled event in the past..
all our dreams are fulfilled in this is a truth.

Anonymous said...

i agree..i agree...this has been inspired by MANY LIVES MANY MASTERS...right..?
very well write very well..carry on..