Monday, November 5, 2007

Being cherubic...

It's a simple feeling... And it comes once in a while.... Feel like an angel today... I do not know the reason, but I felt it suddenly when I was crossing the road in the evening... I felt I've got wings on me... Felt much lighter and most perfectly divine... It was just a passing moment... And yet I lived a lifetime in that moment... It certainly changed something in me... I saw people passing and smiling - through - me... What was it that had changed in me in just a couple of moments? I do not know, neither do I want to know ... In that one moment, I felt everything was perfect... Just the way as it should be... I was not angry at the motorists' honks... I was smiling an angel's smile and quite a few people noticed this, I guess ('Coz they smiled back at me!!!)... all bitter emotions locked up in my heart, evaporated... everything and everyone were forgiven... rather I blessed them all for passing - through - me.... an amazing feeling of lightness... Aah!!! This is the closest I felt like God!!!

1 comment:

Shampa said...

this is your bestest post so far..
simply loved it..!!
hoping to see more such happy posts...
and hey!! wishing you lotssss of such "nirvana moments"...:-)